AL QURAN World Famous Commentary Tafsir in english & arabic translation by Tafseer ibn Kathir تفسير القرآن ابن كثير katheer with Sahih Bukhari & Sahih Muslim Hadith Book of ISLAM for Ramadan Zakat Hajj & Eid App Reviews

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Fix Al Quran !!!

Salam, this application is great, but the Al Quran aspect does not open. Please fix it. I use the iPad 5.1.1 version. Wasalam.


Alhamduallah at first this app kept crashing every time when I tried to open the Quran. I had to uninstall the app and then reinstall it on all three of my devices and now it is working great. This is the best app and I still have plenty of things to learn about how to use it. Inshallah you will keep improving this app and others too.

Words of Allah.

Reading made easy with bigger fonts for the aged. The english translation gives explicit meanings of arabic text. A great work indeed.

Great app

May Allah (swt) reward you all.

Mr. Lyles

Takbir: great resource. Only wished that it had arabic romanticized.

problem with update version

I bought it about 2 months ago. Everything was working good. I received update on last week. After downloading update version it does not work anymore. I can not even open it. Jazak Allah Khairan.

Enjoying the app, but some tafsirs are missing

Tried checking the tafsir for surah bayyinah( lam yakun) and there isnt a tafsir. I saw another one that was blank also, but I cant remember which. InshaAllah, it will be fixed soon.

Al Quran

It is great and very helpful! I thank Allah for this app. Please keep it coming.




Text floats within the viewing screen on iPhone. Text is too wide to see without movement by hand; changing font size does not help.


Very well done easy to understand ,explain very nicely,I will highly richmond people to reed.

Al Quran By Ibn Kathir

Best app translation

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