Very helpful
Very helpful
great app, but unfortunately too many typing mistakes were made in quoting the Quran. I sincerely advise you to recheck the whole Quran quotes
An incredibly useful app. Amazing that you have been able to put so much info into it. My only small complaint is that in your English translations you have thrown in meaningless punctuation marks where they need not be.
Thank you for the continued development of this application! Now, it runs faster than before. The tafsir/commentary also the translation are useful for studying the Quran. Moreover, now its added with Shahih Bukhari and also Muslim. Jazakallahu khayr...
Very useful
Please fix the crashing issue so I can use this app.
Informative, succinct, plain spoken, and full of scholarship to reference. Many thanks.
The best work ever done in this regard
A very nice and clear. Quran and good source of guidance for every one who seek the true word of God.
However, it crashes on occasion. It could also really use a search text function and be able to hide the toolbar at the bottom.
It keeps on sticking but is a great app
I just uploaded a new version and was concerned to find a repeat of Surah 7 Al-Araf in place of Surah 9 At-Tauba. This needs to be fixed.
I liked the app when I first downloaded it, which was about three days ago now it freezes all the time and I cant get past Al-Fatihah!!! Ive sent a note to the developer they have yet to respond. Not only that they could include more than one translation like adding Dr Muhammad Muhsin Khan or Taqi ud Din Al Hilali would be nice. Once these issues are addressed my rating will go up!!! PLEASE FIX THE BUGS!!!!!!!!
Wonderful application. Great reference.
I have written a previous review - disregard! This iPad version of The Holy Quran contains Sura 7 and is the same Sura for Sura 8 & 9! I would therefore not use this app until this is changed!! JimB
I give thanks and glory to ALLAAH almighty the master and owner of the heaven and earth. The master and judge of the day of reckoning. Peace and blessings of ALLAAH to our prophet muhammad SALALLAHU ALAIHI WASALLAM. I love to read the QURAN and the explanation here in is very helpful ALHAMDULILLAH . May ALLAAH continue to enlighten you and reward you with JANNAH
The most useful and prominent source to know Quran
Excellent app, but it does not support landscape view. Expecting an update addressing the issue.
Great app it freezes a little but considering the amount of beneficial content its worth the download!!!!!